

We Prioritise the Voice and Values of Our Families

Family is the place where character and values are instilled in our future generations for the road ahead.  At NewZeal, we believe in placing family at the forefront of our policy because we recognise that thriving families are the foundation for a strong nation.

  • NewZeal will actively work towards ensuring that governmental decisions regarding families are made with their input and best interests in mind.

  • We will work to reduce the required deposit size from 5% to 2.5% for first home buyers. We believe that every family should have the opportunity to own a home. We are committed to working with families to create pathways to affordable and attainable housing, recognising the importance of stable and secure housing for individuals, families, and communities.

  • NewZeal values the sanctity of life. We will oppose any further liberalisation of abortion and will seek to restore the recognition and the right to life for the unborn child. We will start by providing comprehensive support to pregnant women who feel overwhelmed and will advocate for making the adoption process more accessible and efficient.

  • NewZeal stands on the side of biological and scientific reality when it comes to gender. We recognise and respect the unique characteristics and experiences of both men and women. Our policy reflects this understanding and rejects attempts to deny or erase the biological evidence of gender.

NewZeal prioritises your family, we will advocate and represent your voice and values. We support affordable housing, protect the sanctity of life, respect biological reality, and will implement income splitting for sole earner families.

Together, let us build a nation where families thrive and our future generations flourish.

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